Sunday, March 21, 2010

Most Popular White Wine in the World

Yellow Tail Chardonnay is the most popular white wine in the world apparently, so I had to see what all the fuss is about. I remember having Yellow Tail in college, and it was probably the first wine I ever had. I think its not considered very high class among real wine drinkers, and its so cheap that there can't be too much to it. So then why is it so amazingly popular, selling I BELIEVE around 20 million bottles a year? I had to find out.

I found this wine on sale at HEB for an unbelievable $4.99 and decided to test it out. As I poured myself a glass, I cringed at what would be coming, basically expecting the worst. However, on first taste it wasn't that bad at all! It was not oaky or buttery, or anything that I would expect a chardonnay to taste like. In fact, it was a little sweet and fruity - very drinkable! I couldn't really pick out any distinct tastes, although it did smell like grapefruit and oranges. Then, the more I drank it, the less I started to like it. It's not a wine to savor. In fact, it started to just taste like alcoholic apple juice.

Overall, this wine gets like a 4. Its not good or really bad, but is a little unpleasant and something I probably wouldn't buy again. It was only $5 but for $6 or 7 you can actually find a few decent wines. I also bought the Yellow Tail Shiraz (most popular red wine in the world) and will be trying that as well soon! :)

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