Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve Champagne

New Year's Eve is usually a time for champagne, but since I actually don't like champagne, I decided to go with an almond sparkler! I originally bought this on a trip to Fredericksburg in a Lost Creek tasting room (Lost Creek is actually much further away). I was so in love with it, I had to get it even though it was $20 a bottle. I guess I've had it for maybe a year and a half now and have been saving it for the right occasion and what's better than New Year's Eve?

I actually missed midnight because I was babysitting, but when I got home I still wanted to celebrate, so brought the sparkler out. This sparkler smells AMAZING - seriously it smells like some delicious dessert. I was pretty excited to try it, since I hadn't had it in so long... and I must say it didn't quite live up to my expectations. :( It was still very good, but I didn't quite feel the specialness I felt in the tasting room. For $20 I would not get this again, however I have another one I found for $15 on sale for $10, and there is one at Specs for like $7 that is also good. There is no reason to pay extra for this one. However, the night was still fun and the sparkler was still decent.

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