Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kono Sauvignon Blanc

I have wanted to go this book and wine club for months now and finally found the time to go this week! I was trying to think of a refreshing white wine to go with the hot weather so brought the Kono Sauvignon Blanc I bought at a Specs tasting last month. It was just under $10 and fairly light. I actually liked the wine a lot, and thought it was a great easy drinking wine! Its crisp, and of course citrusy, although I wish I would have had it a bit colder. I still have a bit left and might try it on ice with lemon, like I had at Cork and Co!

The book and wine club was really cool! I was the new one there, but everyone was really nice and friendly. It was a bit different from Wino Divino, because people just brought their own bottle of wine and pretty much stuck to that – they didn’t all drink everything and rate them like we do. I want to actually read the books and participate in the discussions more next time!

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