Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wrongo Dongo

Stephen went out of town for about a week, so I decided to open a bottle just for me while he was gone. When I looked though our collection though, I couldn't find one that I thought he wouldn't care about missing, so I just decided to stop by Specs and get my own thing. I kind of miss buying random wines, since most of the ones we end up getting are ones that we have tasted before either at Specs or at a winery. I had planned on buying a completely random wine, but as I was browsing, I came across this Wrongo Dongo. I have had this wine before a couple years ago and remembered that it was a pretty decent wine at the shocking price of only $6.

I drank this wine over a few nights, and I must say I was not too impressed. It was very harsh and alcoholic when I first opened it, but did soften up a little later on. Still, it was not very good. :( It wasn't terrible, and if I had to buy a wine again for only $6 I would consider it over some of the other $6 wines I had, but overall it is probably better as a once every few years thing.

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