Saturday, April 9, 2011

Moscato and Peach Liquer

We all went to visit my parents this weekend. My mom has apparently gotten adventurous with her wine drinking and got some peach liqueur to mix with moscato! The moscato was Rocca Cerrina, which is a VERY light (5%) slightly sparking wine. The peach liqueur she had was amazingly delicious, very sweet and a bit syrupy.

I poured about an ounce of the peach liqueur in each of our glasses...

... and then I filled the rest of the glasses with the moscato.

This combination turned out to be delicious! Even with the 18% liqueur, this little drink only has about 1/2 the alcohol of a regular strength drink. To be honest, I could barely taste the peach flavor until I made myself a second glass and added just a splash more. I might actually have to get a bottle of that stuff and experiment to see what else it is good in!

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