Saturday, July 31, 2010

Moscato, Malibu, and lots of cheese!

I haven't seen my parents since the wedding, and we had to exchange presents and suitcases and various things, so we decided to make a trip over to their place. As always, we ended up having some wine and cheese!

First of all, my mom made some delicious goat cheese again, which was the best it's ever been! Apparently she used a different kind of orange - it was less sweet and more tangy and citrusy- YUM!

It is especially good on a graham cracker!

Along with the goat cheese, she opened a bottle of Castello del Poggio from the fridge. This is one we have had before and is always delicious (its only 7% alcohol though lol).

Then, I found out they loved the malibu drinks at the wedding so much that they bought the ingredients to make them at home! Basically it's just cranberry juice, pineapple juice, and coconut rum. So we decided to try it out. The mixture turned out pretty yummy, but THEN we thought it would be even better as a slush! So they got out the ice cream maker and we tried to freeze it.

They turned out great!

They also had bought some OTHER cheese, so we got that out later. There was a raspberry parmesan style cheese, which nobody thought really tasted like raspberry but was delicious nonetheless.

There was also a cheshire cheese which was pretty strong and a bit odd. The texture was kinda grainy. I think this was Stephen's favorite.

We also had cake, opened wedding presents and birthday presents, and just generally relaxed. We got to finally see video of parts of our wedding which was fantastically funny - I'm glad it turned out so well! Also, Madison and my dad built a funny playhouse for my parents' dog out of tinker toys, which was hilarious.

As soon as I get some pictures from the wedding and rehearsal dinner, I will post those as well! :)

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