Thursday, October 29, 2009

Goat Cheese Cheesecake

Yum, yum, yum! I had no idea goat cheese cheesecake existed, but I ran across it at Specs during the wine tasting! So of course I had to get a slice to try it. Goat cheese usually has a distinct flavor and texture, so I was a little bit nervous to see its take on cheesecake but it was really delicious! In fact, it tasted exactly like a regular cheesecake haha. It wasn't overly sweet, which I liked, and there was a bit of cherries or cranberries or something that paired well with it.

Im not a huge cheesecake fan, but this was pretty good. Im glad I tried it, just to see what it was, but I probably wouldnt get it again because it just tastes like regular cheesecake.

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