Friday, July 30, 2010

Specs Wine Tasting

I bet you thought I would be tired of drinking wine already right? Never! It just so happens that there was a Specs wine tasting 2 days after I got back, so I had to go. One funny thing I noticed was that I was still pouring out my tastings by habit! I have been doing that all week in California, and it feels weird not to now. Like once I have gotten the flavors, I'm done with it and can throw it out (unless I just love the wine).

There was nothing too amazing at this tasting - most of the wines were boring or just ok. None really stood out to me, and honestly this may be because I just got back from tasting $100+ wines that are VERY good.  I did find one thing I was interested in, and that was an Italian vermentino. This is a white wine that tastes a bit like a sauvignon blanc, and was very unique to the tasting. I didn't buy anything because I really don't need any, but I will definitely keep my eyes open for this kind of wine in the future.

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